
This site is dedicated to our boy Foghorn Leghorn, check back often as I continue adding new material.  For the time being you can watch videos of Foghorn and the rest of the cast at my YouTube channel …

Have fun … Dino

34 thoughts on “About

      • Did I dream this, or did Foghorn say ….”you gotta stay current, son and I’m not talking about those little black berries, talking about the way the river flows.

    • I have Loved foghorn leghorn every since I could watch cartoons on Saturday
      Morning with my two brothers. That was way back in 1958. I have laughed then and still laugh now.I’m so happy I found this site. I will tell others about it,!😍

      • Thanks Rhonda, I feel the same way, in fact I’d venture to say that everyone I know or have met all love this character. I always give credit to Mel Blanc, without his voice it wouldn’t be the same …

  1. Did you know that Foghorn Leghorn was parodied off a radio character, Senator Claghorn of Charleston, SC?

  2. Senator Claghorn appeared on the Fred Allen Radio Show cica 1947.
    Excellent, I say just excellent son!

  3. Southern Way of Life Facebook page kindly acquainted me with this webpage, and for that I am much obliged! (Ole Foghorn reminds me of some kinfolk, who shall remain nameless! If y’all ever been way down South, y’all know what I mean!)

  4. Dino,

    Great job! I have been wanting to find these gems for a long time and you did a great job putting all of this together. My friends and family will probably get tired of me and all the Foggy quotes that are about to come their way, but they never pay attention to me when I’m talkin’ anyway. Thank you, thank you, thank you!


    • Hey Mike,

      Glad you like the site. Next time your family or friends give you the business … lay this quote on them, “Now who’s, I say who’s responsible for this unwarranted attack on my person!” One of my favorites.

      Later, Dino

  5. Fantastic Dino – we have a great Foggy collection on video, but no video player these days, so were looking around tonight for some complete cartoo..I say cartoons. My wife found your site and we are delighted. Had the older children popping in and out of the kitchen and hooting with us.
    The younger one’s will be thrilled when we show them tomorrow. We’re a British family from ages 51 down to 7 and all love him and will be back here again and again. Thanks so much.

    The Waddells around midnight in Edinburgh Scotland

    • That’s great Martin, it’s amazing that the humor of Foghorn Leghorn and most of the other Warner Bros. cartoons resonate so well in all parts of the world, including your beloved Scotland. Feel free to post more of your favorite “one liners.”


  6. Mel Blanc was a genius. The many voices he created kept me and millions of other kids so entertained.They don’t make cartoons like they used to but I’m so happy to find these treasures are not forever lost. Thanks for this site and a few others so my grandkids can get a taste of real entertainment.

  7. I wasn’t even going to Hollywood LA Warner Bros. Studio. I just love Classic Foghorn Leghorn. But he’s really fat rooster wasn’t he? I lived in Europe,Germany,Stuttgart. I just love that Plush toys and Cartoon Looney Tunes Mascot.

  8. I like that Foghorn Leghorn I wish I known that Animation Cartoon. But don’t think that Toons can be real anything. I seen Space Jam in 1996 when I was child. I seen Twister.

  9. Foghorn Leghorn is an American treasure.. I’m so glad Foghorn was part of my childhood back in the late 1970’s & 1980’s. Kids today with all their electronics and phones would be better off having that old wisecracking rooster making them laugh and learn barnyard mischief with Foghorn on their Saturday mornings. But sadly the times have changed and our society might be offended (go figure) by his brand of humor. Thanks for this blog about Foghorn Leghorn it’s great to reminisce about the likes of Mel Blanc and His characters.

  10. Foghorn Leghorn is my all time favorite character! I grew up watching him and listening to my dad impersonating him. I am passing the legacy to my kids and granddaughter. Thanks for preserving him.!

  11. I say I say Hello. Hiya 😊😁 I love Cartoons it’s great to see ya I knew I come back. Oh I love Cartoons. I watch umm… Foghorn leghorn. I heard about Space Jam since 1996. I can think about it. I love Looney Tunes.

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